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Arduino Slicer

Key Investigators

Project Description

Arduino is a well know and widely used open source microcontroller. Is is extremely cheap (10-20 €/$) and a plenty of sensors and actuators have been desined for this platform. The idea is to implement a link between 3D Slicer and Arudino. Slicer IGT offers an outstanding solution for connecting hardware, but for some entry-level users/students can be difficult to use. We want to develop a thin layer of code to connect cheap hardware (Arduino and its sensor/actuators). In this way the user will have a simple way for linking hardaware, being aware that is a solution that does not offer the full options available in SlicerIGT. It can be useful for students and for not complex data/instruction stream.


  1. The main aim right now is to colled ideas/comments/suggestions from experts.

Approach and Plan

  1. Discuss with people that are already using/developing Arduino stuff.

Progress and Next Steps

  1. Interesting a breakout session, discussing with experts and people interested in
  2. We decided to not use SlicerIGT to keep it as simple as possible
  3. We decided to create an extension with multiple modules inside
  4. The first layer of code was written (thanks to Andras!)


  5. The next step will be to refine the link module and to start writing more modules (one for each possible application).


Background and References